Ansonia Plans ‘Winter Playground’ At Linett Park

Ansonia officials say Linett Park will transformed into a winter playground” next month.

According to a press release from Mayor David Cassetti’s office, officials hope to make the park a destination for sled riding and also the new home of a portable ice skating rink that has been located at Nolan Field the past two years.

The park, located off Crowley Street in the city’s north end, was popular in the 60s and 70s because of a nearly 500-foot hill from the base of the park of Prospect Street, the press release said.

From the press release:

Due to decades of unmanaged tree and shrub maintenance, the hill has been reduced to a narrow path of about 100’ length. However, despite this hillside land shrinkage, it has continued to attract neighborhood kids for sledding, usually improvising with cardboard or trash can lids as sleds.

This time around, the hill will soon be cleared to create a more manageable yet still impressive 250’ length x 75’ wide expanse for sledding. In addition, the city will relocate its 75’x30’ portable ice skating rink (previously located at Nolan Field the past two winters) to be nestled within the park’s several acre lawn. Also, a stone fire pit will be built, floodlights added to enable evening enjoyment, and a weekend on-site snack truck serving hot chocolate, coffee, hot dogs and more.

Growing up in Ansonia, I have fond memories of sledding at Linett Park,” said Mayor Dave Cassetti. During the winter, it was a great bonding place for kids throughout the city. This will be an experience that children and adults of the City can enjoy once again.”

The press release said the city expects to have the work done by mid-November for the park to be operational upon the first measurable snowfall and continue through March.”

Hours and more details will be announced in the coming weeks, the press release said, along with details of a sled giveaway contest.

In an email, Greg Martin, Cassetti’s constituent services director, said the project will cost a total of under $2,000.”

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