A Letter Of Gratitude

From June 16 – June 19, 10 Derby track and field athletes, two coaches and one trainer representing Connecticut’s smallest city traveled nearly 3,000 miles and had the experience of a lifetime. Throughout the season, these athletes earned qualifying times and throws to compete on the nation’s largest track and field stage and also achieved some impressive success over four days at the Nike Outdoor Track & Field National Championships in Eugene, OR last week.

Derby’s athletes secured 12 medals, and four student-athletes earned All-American honors in the boys’ 1,000 Meter Swedish Sprint Medley Relay.

As impressive as these accomplishments are, these experiences could not have been realized without the extreme generosity and support of so many businesses, organizations and individuals in and around the Derby community.

You likely saw a more frequent amount of social media presence by the Derby Running Club the past few months as we raised enough funds to pay for this once-in-a-lifetime experience for very deserving athletes. As a part of this effort, supporters shared our social media posts, bought raffle tickets, bagels, donuts, Easter eggs, tacos, pizza, macaroni and meatballs – all fundraisers of the Derby Running Club.

We received generous monetary donations and thoughtful well wishes in our P.O. Box, Venmo and PayPal accounts from not only Derby residents, but alumni from across the country, followers from surrounding communities, and even rival schools in our own league.

Simply put, the support was heartwarming.

On behalf of the Derby Running Club, we would like to thank every individual, every business and every organization who supported these athletes and provided them with the memories of a lifetime. Our small Valley is a special family who supports each other, and we are very grateful for every act of support, whether it was kind well-wishes, raffle donations, time, donations of food and money – to name a few. From the bottom of our hearts, you have our deepest gratitude. Thank you all.

Submitted by the Derby Running Club

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