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Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti.
The following message was sent by Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti:
As many of you know, the United States is currently experiencing an outbreak of a novel coronavirus.
At this time, the City is cancelling all non-essential events and meetings. The cancellations include the Irish Flag Raising scheduled for this Saturday, March 14th, at City Hall as well as all meetings scheduled for Monday March 16th, including the Planning and Zoning Public Hearing that was to take place at the Ansonia High School.
(Click here for a separate Valley Indy post)
I am also encouraging all residents to take precautions by generally avoiding all non-essential social gatherings.
Coronavirus.gov is your best source of information. Updates are made daily as the risk level changes for this virus. News of further meeting cancellations will be updated on the City’s website and Facebook page.
This is not a time for panic, but a time to be smart about your health, and to practice common sense. My administration will continue to keep the public informed. God Bless the City of Ansonia.