Alderman Candidate: Time For Change In Ansonia

What kind of Mayor do we need now — at this time of challenge and opportunity?

The answer seems obvious: we want someone strong; we want someone who shares our values; someone who recognizes our challenges and is willing to deal with them head on; and someone who will get the job done. We want someone who will not only lead, but lead us in the right direction.

There’s no question that I’m biased. I love my Dad and while I support him in his bid for Mayor it is not just because he is my father. I support him because he is the right person for this job.

I’ve seen my Dad in action. He is not a career politician. He is a no-nonsense, pragmatic businessman with a proven ability to manage a successful organization for the past 25 years.

Ask yourself: who do you want leading our city? Can Ansonia really afford another two years of increasing taxes, a shrinking grand list, and a struggling school system? Jim Della Volpe is a well-liked and respected member of our community but does his performance over the last decade support another two years at a salary of now nearly $100,000? I am sure there are those who have benefited from his being in office. Have you?

With my father as Mayor, Ansonia will head in a new direction. He has a game plan: solutions to attract new and diverse businesses, solutions to control taxes and find for tax relief for seniors, and solutions to partner with the Board of Education to get Ansonia’s schools back on track. And, as a first term Mayor, his salary will be more in line with the average Ansonia household, around $50,000.

It is time for a change. My Dad, Dave Cassetti is the right leader at the right time for Ansonia.

EDITOR​’S NOTE: The Valley Indy’s ​‘extra,extra’ teasing this story from the home page incorrectly stated the author was promising that the mayor’s salary would be slashed. That was our mistake. A newly elected mayor would make $54,000 — as per the Ansonia City Charter.
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