Alderman: Enough With The Big Rigs Parked On Ansonia Streets!


Alderman Dan King (left) said tractor-trailers parking on Ansonia streets is an issue. This file photo shows King taking the oath of office from Mayor David Cassetti in January 2018.

ANSONIA — Get the tractor-trailers parked in city neighborhoods off the streets!

That was the message First Ward Dan King has been receiving from constituents, and it’s the message he conveyed to Ansonia Police Chief Andrew Cota at the Jan. 14 meeting of the Ansonia Board of Aldermen.

Cota agreed the trucks are a problem and noted police had been out enforcing the local law that says the large trucks can’t park on the streets.

Some of the big rigs are connected to area businesses, others may be privately owned, the officials said. 

Edward Musante, during the public comment portion of the Jan. 14 Aldermen meeting, said a tractor-trailer had been parking on Olivia Street for more than a year (note: Facebook’s Jim Rizzo pointed out there’s no Olivia Street in Ansonia last he checked. I may have misheard).

It’s become more of an infestation,” King said during the meeting. I’m seeing it throughout the city. First Ward, Fourth Ward, Sixth Ward even: 18-wheelers parked on our streets. It’s an eyesore.”

King specifically mentioned Liberty Street.

People look out their door, Hey, look an 18-wheeler’,” King said. 

The Alderman said the trucks make it difficult for motorists to safely navigate intersections.

We’re seeing them everywhere,” King said, noting it’s a quality of life issue.

Cota said police are dealing with the issue, and noted four trucks had been ticketed just prior to Jan. 14.

People have not been calling us (to complain), as crazy as that sounds,” Cota said.

Hopefully they’ll move. We’re going to continue to address it,” the chief said.

The operators of tractor-trailers parked illegally on city streets face $75 fines.

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