Annual Tribute to Honor Eight Valley Women

Eight Valley women will be honored during the 13th Annual Women Making a Difference in the Valley Tribute Luncheon and Breast Cancer Fundraiser. 

The annual event, open to all, will take place on Thursday, October 3, from 12 p.m. to 2 pm at the Grassy Hill Lodge in Derby. 

The honorees will be Celeste Beattie, Susan DeLeon, Linda Gorel, Michele Pagliaro-Haywood and Donna Skuret, all of Shelton; Maureen Helgren of Newtown, and Joan McTaggart and Barbara O’Neil, both of Seymour.

The tribute recognizes outstanding women” who have made positive contributions to the community and have demonstrated significant achievement in their fields of endeavor, both professional and volunteer. 

Proceeds benefit the Griffin Hospital/Valley Breast Care Fund, established in an effort to ensure that no person, regardless of age or socio-economic condition, is denied screening mammograms or diagnostic testing for breast cancer. To date, more than 375 women have benefited from the Fund.

Supporters are encouraged to become Make a Difference and Pink Ribbon sponsors through ad donations.

Ad prices range from $30 for a business card sized ad to $1,000 or more as a Make a Difference” sponsor, which entitles the purchaser to a reserved table for ten, a full-page ad in the program booklet, and recognition as an event sponsor on all publicity materials.

Tickets for the luncheon are $40.To make a luncheon reservation or a donation to the Valley Breast Health Care Fund, call 203 – 732-1300, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), or send to Hewitt Breast Wellness Center at Griffin Hospital, c/o M. Vallillo, 350 Seymour Ave., Derby, CT. 06418.

Advertising requests should be directed to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

This annual tribute and fundraiser was established by the Women’s Health Initiative in 2001. 

Co-Chaired by Kate Cosgrove of Oxford and Dr. Stephanie Wain of Griffin Hospital, the committee is comprised of members of the community working toward the common goal of addressing and improving breast cancer awareness and access to services. 

To date, 84 Valley women have been recognized.

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