First I want to say that I am PROUD to live in Ansonia.
I am proud to have the opportunity to serve my constituents for the past 14 years. I am proud to work with Jim Della Volpe as mayor. I am proud to have sent my children through the Ansonia school system. I am proud that they are all in college and doing well. I am proud that the Ansonia school system has prepared my children to meet their future college years head on!
I am proud that the boards of Aldermen and Apportionment and Taxation were able to hold taxes at a minimum over the past 14 years while still supporting education and other essential services to this town.
I love this town. I would not have volunteered my time all these years if I didn’t want to see a better future for all.
One of the best things this town has to offer is the positive people who live here. We have a strong community of hard-working people who take care of each other in times of need.
I respect everyone that contributes to making this a better place. I believe that combined positive efforts can make this a better town for all of us.
This is why I believe in the integrity of the Democratic slate and ask for your continued support on this upcoming Election Day.
Joe Jeanette, Jr.
The writer is an incumbent Democratic candidate for Alderman in the city’s Third Ward.
The Valley Indy accepts letters/guest columns of up to 500 words.