Ansonia Aldermen Pick Tripp As President

Ansonia Aldermen elected Phil Tripp, a Republican from the Second Ward, to be their next president Tuesday (Dec. 10).

Tripp succeeds Eugene Sharkey, a Democrat from the Sixth Ward who was defeated in last month’s election, which saw the makeup of the board go from a 10 – 4 Democratic majority to a 9 – 5 GOP advantage.

Immediately after being elected Tuesday, Tripp shook hands with fellow Aldermen Lorie Vaccaro and Edward Adamowski and Mayor David Cassetti before taking his seat presiding over the meeting.

Tripp, a lieutenant colonel in the National Guard who served in Afghanistan, was first elected to the Board of Aldermen in 2011. He works at Home Depot as a deliveries manager.

Click here to read a 2011 profile about his National Guard service from the New Haven Register.

Alderwoman Joan Radin nominated him to the post. 

“He’s been with us for two years now. He and I became acquainted on email when he was over in Afghanistan,” Radin said. ​“I think he’s got a lot of directive, he’s worked with groups, he’s a lieutenant colonel in the reserve, and I think he’ll do a great job as our president.”

Democrat Joseph Jeanette Jr. seconded the nomination, which was approved unanimously.

“I look forward over the next year to working with everybody for the people of the city of Ansonia,” Tripp said, thanking Aldermen and voters for their confidence.

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