Ansonia Aldermen Spar Over Committee Makeup

Raised voices. A fist pounding a table. Finger-pointing!

Things got a bit heated between two Ansonia Aldermen while the board debated a $60.7 million spending plan for 2013 – 2014 Feb. 19.

The argument was not about the details of the budget, which Aldermen passed to the city’s tax board by a 13 – 0 vote.

Rather, Republican Alderman Charles Stowe, in a statement before the vote, complained to Aldermanic President Eugene Sharkey, a Democrat, that Republicans are under-represented on the board’s finance committee.

The Aldermen’s finance committee is sort of the first line of defense in terms of budget preparation. Its members meet with city department heads to review budget requests before making a recommendation to the full Board of Aldermen.

Democrats hold five out of the seven seats on the committee.

The current members of the committee, according to the city clerk, are:

  • Edward Adamowski, a Democrat from the First Ward, who is chairman
  • Peter Marcinko, a Democrat from the First Ward
  • Eugene Sharkey, a Democrat from the Sixth Ward
  • Jerome Fainer, a Democrat from the Fourth Ward
  • David Knapp, a Democrat from the Seventh Ward
  • John Marini, a Republican from the Seventh Ward
  • Phillip Tripp, a Republican from the Second Ward

Marcinko was appointed to the Board of Aldermen in December, after the resignation of Robert Duffus, who resigned Dec. 6 saying he no longer had the time needed to serve as an Alderman.

Stowe’s contention: instead of replacing Duffus, who had been on the finance committee, with Marcinko, he should have been appointed.

I’m qualified because of my interest in the city’s economic challenges as demonstrated by my work (on the Economic Development Commission). I’m qualified because of my experience making a living by running my own business for over 20 years,” Stowe said. I’m qualified because of my ability to show up for the number of meetings required and the ability and willingness to work with Democrats and Republicans alike.”

Or if not himself, Stowe said, Republican Joan Radin would make a good pick, because she also runs a business in Ansonia.

Balance and diversity are necessary to the health and sustainability of our city and our democratic process,” Stowe said, citing the city’s charter, which he said supported his position.

Article continues after the video, which contains part of Stowe’s remarks and some reaction from Sharkey.

It is unacceptable and inexcusable that two Republicans with nearly 60 years of business experience between us are not asked to serve on the finance committee,” Stowe went on.

Sharkey replied that the current makeup of the board is a fair representation of the parties on the full Board of Aldermen.

There are 10 Democratic Aldermen. There are four Republican Aldermen,” Sharkey said. I put 50 percent of the Democrats on there, I put 50 percent of the Republicans on there.”

You’re not following the charter,” Stowe shot back. If we work together as a team, and if we try to work on economic development, and the mayor’s been working diligently on that for years, that somehow we can enlarge our tax base. And you’re sitting there saying you don’t want any diversity.”

I didn’t say that,” Sharkey interjected.

You are by ignoring us,” Stowe said, as the two began talking over each other. You are ignoring us, Mr. President, and I will not sit here any longer without having a voice about it, because if I don’t have a voice about it I’m not being a moral person with my constituents.”

Sharkey then told Stowe he was ending the conversation.

Click the play button on the video at the top of the story to see the interaction.

I’ve given you more than enough time to give your views about why you’re not on the finance committee,” Sharkey said. On the table in front of us is accepting the budget. Your being on the finance committee and accepting the budget are two very diverse issues.”

We can at a future time go back to why you’re not on the committee. You can get my answer that I’ve already given you, but we’re ending the discussion on that now. And I have the right to do that,” Sharkey said, pointing at Stowe.

You can say whatever you want, Mr. President,” Stowe said.

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