Gordon-Visselli American Legion Post 50, Ansonia, welcomes new member, Crystal Jaumann, who has been elected as the Post’s Finance Officer. Crystal is a veteran of the US Marine Corps, serving on active duty from 1995 – 1999 with duty at 3rd Marine Division HQ in Okinawa, Japan, and with Headquarters Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia. She further served as a reservist from 2001 – 2004 at Anacostia Naval Station in Washington DC.
Crystal is an accountant employed by Drapp & Jaumann in Bridgeport. She is also the Vice President of Ansonia Youth Cheer and the Head Coach of their Division 8 team, and sits on the Cultural Commission for the city. She lives in Ansonia with her three children and husband, Joe, a City Alderman, Vice President of Ansonia Little League and Tee Ball coach. Crystal and Joe also have an older son that is in the Marine Corps, currently serving in Okinawa, Japan.
Post 50 meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Ansonia Armory. New members are always welcomed. For information on becoming a member, contact Vice Commander Mike Heise at 203 – 308-7845.