Ansonia Awards Students For Historical Essays

CONTRIBUTEDAnsonia’s Historical Commission presented awards last month to student winners of its annual essay contest.

The commission has assigned different themes for the contest, which has been running for more than 10 years.

This year, students were asked to write about Pork Hollow, where residents hid military stores from British soldiers raiding the area during the Revolutionary War.

The top three winners were Jordyn Davis, Liam Hines, and Matthew Torres.

The honorable mention winners were Joshua Proctor, Gillian Nemec, and Jonathan Abate.

I want to thank the Historical Society for another successful year in putting the essay contest together again,” Mayor David Cassetti said in a prepared statement. This year the Historical Commission received over 40 student entries and I am proud of them all.

The Historical Commission fosters the importance of our city’s history and educates students,” Cassetti went on. I am thrilled with the commitment of our students to spend the time to learn the history and write essays for this contest.”

The mayor said parents should be proud of their children for their efforts, and thanked Kathleen Molner, Principal of Assumption School, and Amy O’Brien, Principal of Ansonia Middle School, for their cooperation in the contest.

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