Ansonia Cancels Public Meetings And An Event, Library Adjusts Schedule

Mayor Cassetti Announces City Postponements

Ansonia City Hall

In keeping with directives issued by the State of Connecticut regarding Coronavirus concerns, Mayor Cassetti announces that all City scheduled public meetings are being postponed until further notice. 

(Click here for a message from the mayor)

This includes the following public event and public hearing: 

SATURDAY, MARCH 14: St. Patrick’s Day Irish flag raising event at City Hall which had been scheduled for 11AM.

MONDAY, MARCH 16: Public hearing at Ansonia High School for the proposed Pulaski Highway assisted living housing development.

The Ansonia Nature Center, Ansonia Library, and Ansonia Senior Center are closed to the public beginning Friday and until further notice.

In addition, the city plans to send a COVID-19 related messages to residents today.

If you’re not signed up for Code Red in Ansonia, click here to do so.

Please monitor the Ansonia website and Facebook page, too.

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