Ansonia Charter Public Hearing Is Monday, Dec. 3

Want to recommend changes to the way Ansonia city government operates?

Attend a public hearing scheduled for Monday, Dec. 3 in the Aldermanic Chambers in Ansonia City Hall and let your opinions be known.

The city’s Charter Revision Commission is holding a public hearing starting at 7 p.m.

City Hall is at 253 Main St.

A city charter essentially acts as a blue print for the structure and function of a local government.

Is the planning commission elected or appointed? What are the powers and duties of a treasurer? How many people are on the Board of Apportionment and Taxation? 

All the answers are spelled out — in detail — inside the city charter.

Ansonia Aldermen created the Charter Revision Commission back in August, as the local lawmakers were dealing with the fallout from the resignation of the city’s tax collector.

The tax collector resigned after a Valley Indy report showed she was issuing motor vehicle tax clearance documents to residents who owed motor vehicle taxes.

The initial idea for the commission was rooted in whether structural changes to the charter were needed for better oversight of municipal employees.

However, anything under the local government sun could come in the commission’s review of the charter. 

The commission has a year to make recommendations. Those recommendations would be put to another public hearing — and any changes would ultimately need to be approved by Ansonia voters.

Monday’s public hearing is simply that — to listen to the public talk about the Ansonia Charter. 

Click here to read the Ansonia Charter.

Click here for a Valley Gazette story published after the city’s charter revision commission was created.

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