Ansonia police are still investigating a 6‑pound marijuana seizure this month and expect to file charges soon, the department’s spokesman said Thursday.
Cops were called to 29 Condon Drive about 3:15 a.m. Jan. 11 on a report of a domestic dispute and, while there, discovered nearly 6 pounds of marijuana at the residence.
Ansonia Police Lt. Andrew Cota said police have a suspect identified, but are trying to do more legwork to see where the weed came from.
The marijuana was “packaged,” Cota said, and police do not believe it was grown at the home.
“What we’re trying to do is track the source,” Cota said.
Cops haven’t pieced together all the details of how and why the pot got to the house, Cota said.
The spokesman indicated the case is more complicated than initial reports.
“Any drug cases, you never know where they’re going to take you,” Cota said. “We try to dig a little deeper when we can to find the root of it, not just the person who possesses it.”
Once police have more information, they’ll pursue an arrest warrant or warrants in the case, Cota said.
Click the play button on the video to see Police Chief Kevin Hale talk briefly about the case at a Board of Aldermen’s meeting Jan. 14.