Want to get people talking?
Write a story about their dogs!
Jodie Mozdzer’s story about dog owners allegedly violating the ban on pooches on the new Ansonia Greenway triggered a raucous debate on the Valley Indy Facebook page Wednesday night and Thursday morning.
Here are some comments:
Joyce Mueller: I think the people should vote on it this. the river walk belongs to the people, not the idiots that sit in city hall and collect a pay check.
David Rhodes: FYI Joyce … the Board of Alderman are not paid officials. And I vote no dogs. Disrespectful people don’t clean up after them so it ruins it for everyone else. Too bad. You want walk your dog, do it somewhere else.
John Clifford: There wouldnt be a problem if everyone cleaned up after their dogs when they go to the bathroom. A lot of people just leave the poop on the ground.
Cynthia Ajello Gregory: didn’t take long for people with dogs who refuse to pick up their own dog poop to ruin a nice walk…who wants to step in or smell dog poop? Imagine what it will smell like on a 90 degree day? It is sad the loser people had to ruin it for people like Danielle who actually picks up her dog’s poop.
Emma Huller: Such problems we have here! Wonder how they will be remembered in the history books years from now.
Lisa Velleco Glazer: As the proud owner of an amazing dog…if we as dog owners take responsibility this wouldn’t be an issue. To the owners out there who don’t clean up after your dog…shame on you. Everybody should be able to appreciate our river walks…clean up after your dogs!
Noreen Grindrod DeCiucis: I walk the riverwalk often and since it was built. I have never even once saw any dog poop! Although I am a dog owner and never thought to walk my dog there.
Theresa DaSilva Gentile: From a previous home owner in Ansonia…but Not the biggest dog lover! Here’s some food for thought… Why not focus on the blight properties and the dirty streets, along w/the dogs that are roaming the streets without a dog license?
Jesse Fry: I love dogs. Had one up until a few days ago when it dies of old age. I just wonder when ordinary dogs became ok in entering buildings? Forget trails. People bring them into the post office, supermarket, banks? When did this become ok?
Dawn Graham Lowery: As a former animal control officer this disgusts me. Why is there no problem at the West Haven boardwalk? I have to ask myself is it the clientele on this trail? So many nice places to go and not have to deal with this nonsense. How about the loose dogs running around the Ansonia soccer field, crapping and approaching people walking. No ones worried about that??? I saw someone walking their dog back there and a dog off leash approached them and attacked their dog. No problems there though. Or the mounds of garbage thrown out the window near the high school along the road. Looks lovely. But Poop on a trail is the pressing issue. Wake up is right!
Marcin A. Mazurek: You know, some of that Graffiti was really well done until they painted over it and then some punks went and painted over the clean paint.
The old stuff was colorful…at least it was something to see.
As for dogs – I may not be a dog owner but I can see the logic of having a nice trail to walk or jog your dog along – they ought to pick up – and that is what ought to be fined and reported, not that people are taking dogs on walks.
Next issue please.
Teresa Gallagher: I’ve noticed a ton of litter on the path. And because it is people who litter, I think we should ban people from the path.