On Sunday, June 3, please be ready to officially welcome our latest Historic icon, Pierre Lallement, former resident and inventor of the bicycle.
Thanks to Pierre, Ansonia is the “Home of the Bicycle” and now is our time to embrace that distinction.
Come celebrate together, Ansonia’s Annual Pierre Lallement Festival of Bikes, hosted by our Cultural Commission and Economic Development Commission.
The event runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in downtown Ansonia.
We’re welcoming all our students and their parents for a day filled with bicycle theme.
Cyclists from New Haven will complete their commemorative ride and appear at about 11:00.
Bring your bikes and join the final lap around downtown ending at City Hall for the day’s dedication. (Meet up will be 10:45, behind Big Y).
Decorate your bikes and helmets for the best dressed contest. Bring your old gear to the Bike Swap or donate.
See the BMX Rampage team do their amazing pipe and ramp exhibition. Big kids (Yes! you Dad) try your skills on the Trike Obstacle Course if you dare.
For our little trikers, Griffin Hospital’s Valley Nurses will be conducting helmet fittings and giveaways while supplies last. Bike safety inspections will be offered.
Other guests include, Sports Centers of Ct, Sports Authority of Milford, Zanes Cycles of Branford, Total Fitness and the EliptiGO (you have to see these). Outdoor dining by our local restaurants and much more.
Come down to Main Street, Sunday June 3rd and enjoy your town as we brand ourselves the “Home of the Bicycle”.