Ansonia Gov’t Receives Economic Development Update


An image from a conceptual plan for Olson Drive, which has been under consideration for several years.

ANSONIA — City officials were told of several new developments in the works in the city.

Economic Development Director Sheila O’Malley gave the Board of Aldermen an overview of activity happening downtown and beyond during the board’s virtual meeting March 9.

Here are some of the projects:

Hotel Motel On The Horizon?

The former Molto Bene banquet/restaurant facility at 557 Wakelee Ave. could soon become home to a 25-room hotel motel. 

Attorney Dominick Thomas, representing the owner, Aljaz Ahmed, said a site plan has been submitted and is up for discussion at a public hearing of the Planning and Commission on March 29. Ahmed, according to O’Malley, owns several gas stations and convenience stores.

Thomas said in addition to the motel, there will be a gas station, small bar/restaurant and small retail store. Prior to Molto Bene, the facility was home to John J. Sullivan’s for many years and way before that, was the former Rapp’s Paradise Inn.

Editor’s note: The original version of this story referred to the project as a hotel when it was actually referred to at the meeting as a motel.

Demolition Day?

The former SHW property downtown is soon slated for demolition. O’Malley said the city is awaiting the EPA to remove some above-ground storage tanks (containing some contaminated material) inside the dilapidated building at 35 N. Main St. before demolition can commence. 

O’Malley said demolition will cost about $750,000, of which the city received a $500,000 Urban Act grant from the state, along with some other state and federal funding the city can use for remediation.

You’ll see some very visible activity on those parcels soon,” O’Malley said. 

Olson Drive Makeover?

The city finally got the green light from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to acquire the former Olson Drive apartment complex property from the Ansonia Housing Authority.

The objective is to make good on the purchase offer we made a while ago, and shift the asset back over to the city so we can make sure it works best for the city and taxpayers,” said Corporation Counsel John Marini.

The AHA voted back in 2019 to transfer the property to the city, which ultimately could lead to the development of a sports complex, officials said. The vote was contingent on final approval from HUD, due to a deed restriction on the property which limits development to housing.

The vote, however, was contingent on final approval from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD. While AHA owns the 8.5‑acre parcel, HUD has a deed restriction on it, which limits development to housing.

The city offered a purchase price to AHA for $510,000, which it had accepted. O’Malley said a portion of the amount would be reimbursed by the private developer, Primrose Companies, who wants to build a multi-use sports complex, soccer complex and field.

Click here for a previous Valley Indy story on this complicated issue.

Pizza Distributors:

The former Cook Nail Clippers building at 58 Beaver Street gained approval from the PZC to become a new home to distribute goods from Zuppardi’s Pizza of West Haven. 
The site will house a frozen pizza distribution center for Zuppardis to supply its food truck and catering business. O’Malley said there will also be a walk-up service for people to order a pizza or a slice. O’Malley said Zuppardis is also considering bringing a sit-down restaurant to the city, as well.

New Lease on Life for Seccombes

The former Seccombes Men’s Shop downtown, which closed last year after nearly a century in business on Main Street, could soon house five apartments with balconies on the second floor and a first-floor restaurant, according to O’Malley. A site plan is set to go before the PZC on March 29.

Taco Central?

The former Eddy’s Bake Shop at 317 Main St., which closed a couple years back, is slated to welcome a new Mexican restaurant, Taco Central. 7. O’Malley said the new owners recently completed a full interior demolition, and are awaiting approval to build a new outdoor patio, as well. They hope to open within the next month or so.

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