Ansonia Gov't: Revaluation Process Getting Started

ANSONIA — The following message was distributed by the City of Ansonia on Thursday, May 12, 2022:

This is Mayor David Cassetti calling with a very important update.

The City of Ansonia Assessor’s office has started the State mandated 2022 revaluation with eQuality Valuation Services, LLC. This entails a study of all Ansonia properties and will result in updated real estate assessments.

Each property owner will be receiving a data mailer to verify the Assessor’s office has correct information pertaining to your property.

For submission inquiries please contact the Assessor’s Office at 203 – 736-5950. If you have any further questions or concerns please request an inspection when submitting the data mailer by mail or online.”

Editor’s note: not sure what a reval is? Click here for information posted to the Town of Oxford’s website. It provides an overview.

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