A father whose son died by suicide due to cyber-bullying will share his story during a program at Ansonia High School Tuesday open to the entire lower Naugatuck Valley.
This past fall the AHS Human Relations Club developed and implemented an anti-bullying program for all 7th graders at the Ansonia Middle School.
Ryan Halligan, a 13-year-old boy who committed suicide due to cyber-bullying, was featured in this program. The Human Relations Club has invited Ryan’s father, John, to share his story with our Valley community.
He will discuss the problems associated with bullying and offer proactive solutions to this nationwide epidemic. His son’s story has been told worldwide in print, radio and television.
Many powerful life lessons will be imparted, including forgiveness and finding ways to turn a tragedy into hope for others.
Click here for more on Halligan’s story.
The program will start at 6 p.m. Ansonia High School is located at 20 Pulaski Highway.
The event is open to the entire Valley community. There is no charge for admission.
Light refreshments and Door Prizes will be offered.
Appropriate for ages 12 and older.
Sponsored by the Ansonia High School Human Relations Club. Contact Nick Collicelli at 203 – 305-6342 with any questions.