Ansonia House Decorating Contest Info

To enter, visit the contest page on Facebook.

Contestants can only submit/post 1 (ONE) Photograph to this official contest page.

Please post your name and address and any other information or story.

You may attach links to other photos of your entry…But only ONE image will be allowed for the contest. No exceptions

People will visit this page and vote for their favorite entry by amount of likes/clicks the photograph gets.

Contestants may invite through shares and tags and links to their image to attract attention to promote their photo.

Anyone from anywhere can vote.

Judging starts on Saturday, December 16th and runs through December 31st.

If there is a tie. Winner will be determined by The Valley Arts Council Volunteer Judges.

Prizes will be granted for First, Second and Third Place.

Only one prize per entry. Prizes will be awarded as local business Gift Certificate and Official Certificate of Merit at the January or February 2018 Alderman’s meeting at City Hall.

Winners need not be present.

Good Luck and Happy Decorating!

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