From Ansonia Little League:
What is the Little League Challenger Program?
The Little League Challenger Program is Little League’s adaptive baseball/softball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges.
Who can participate in the Little League Challenger Program?
Any individual with a physical or intellectual challenge may participate. If an individual can participate in the traditional Little League Baseball or Softball program with reasonable accommodations they should do so. Ansonia Little League’s Challenger Division accommodates players ages 7 – 18, or up to age 22 if still enrolled in school. Players from surrounding towns will be able to register with Ansonia Little League provided their local program does not offer a Challenger Program.
What rules are followed during a Challenger game?
Flexibility and adaptability are key during Challenger games. Typically games are 1 – 2 innings long and last about an hour. All players play defensively and bat every inning.
When does the program start?
We are signing player up now for our Fall Season which runs from Mid-Late August- October
What are “buddies” and what role do they have in the Challenger Division?
Buddies are individuals who assist Challenger athletes in the areas of batting, base running and defense, but only as needed. Often buddies are peer athletes who are participating in the Little League Baseball or Softball program, but can also be High School Students in need of volunteer hours, adult volunteers, parents or siblings. Any one interested in volunteering to be a buddy should contact Candice Daum, League President at candicedaum@outlook.com.
How Can I sign my child up and what is the cost?
Players can register at: http://www.ansonialittleleague.org/Register
Cost: $50/player
Deadline: August 11, 2019
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