Ansonia Mayor Joins Park Clean-Up Crew For A Day

CONTRIBUTEDAnsonia Mayor David Cassetti joined seasonal workers employed as part of a new beautification effort” in the city Wednesday to help clean up a Linnett Park, off Crowley and North State streets.

The city hired seven part-time employees last month with a view to beefing up the city’s public works ground crews and ensure a cleaner city, Cassetti said in a prepared statement.

Their duties include cleaning public parks, picking up litter, weed whacking, mowing, trimming shrubbery, planting grass, highway maintenance and a broad range of other beatification efforts,” the statement said.

The city has allotted up to $25,000 toward paying the workers, Sheila O’Malley, the city’s grants writer and economic development director, said.

All of the employees live in the Valley, the mayor noted, and several are Ansonia residents.

The City was in need of a spring and summer cleaning,” Cassetti said in the statement. Our new seasonal workers are a tremendous help, allowing us to increase the capability of our Public Works Department through the next few months.”

Doug Novak, Superintendent of Ansonia’s Public Works Department, said in the statement that the new workers will allow full-time public works employees to concentrate on priority projects. 

The seasonal help has given the Public Works employees the opportunity to focus their attention on major maintenance initiatives within the city that have been neglected in the past due to budgetary constraints,” Novak said.

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