Ansonia Mayoral Candidate To Unveil ‘Game Plan’ Oct. 9

Every objective indicator tells us that Ansonia is on the wrong track. 

  • Ansonia now has the ninth highest tax rate in Connecticut. That’s the ninth highest tax rate out of 169 towns and cities across the state (see:
  • Despite soaring taxes our education system is still failing our children. In 2011 Ansonia High School was given a grade of F” by the Connecticut Coalition for 
    Achievement Now ( Mead and Prendergast received a C-”
  • Ansonia’s budget is now $61 million, with a spending increase of 6 percent in 20102 and 7 percent in 2013. Ansonia’s budget is higher than that of Derby ($37 million), Oxford ($42 million) and Seymour ($52 million).

Ansonia needs a game plan to get out of this mess.

On Oct. 9, Dave Cassetti and his team will unveil their Game Plan for Ansonia” at 7 p.m. at Republican party headquarters across the street from City Hall. The Game Plan will provide clear policy recommendations designed to get Ansonia back on track. 

Among specifics to be outlined in the plan: 

  • Implementation of a Cost Cutting Commission to work year-round on identifying cost savings for the city.
  • Creation of a professional City Manager position to replace layers of expensive and wasteful bureaucracy in city hall.
  • Providing long overdue tax relief for senior citizens, reimbursable by state funds.
  • Formation of a task force to plan for the future of Ansonia’s former industrial sites.
  • Forging a true partnership between the city and Board of Education.

The complete plan will be available to the public and media on Oct. 9.

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