Ansonia Officer Fights For Promotion

A city police officer is suing his boss and the city, claiming he was passed over for a promotion to sergeant.

Peter Lovermi, a 10-year-veteran of the department, was next in line for the promotion after a sergeant’s exam in 2007, according to his lawsuit.

However, the city opted not to fill the position.

At the time, Lovermi filed a complaint with the state labor board, asking that he be promoted.

A state labor panel found that the city was within its rights to leave the position open — even though the department had a tradition of immediately filling vacancies.

Fast forward to Jan. 12 of this year — the day Chief Hale posted a document announcing a new test for the sergeant’s exam.

In his lawsuit filed Feb. 18, Lovermi requests to be immediately promoted to sergeant. 

Lovermi also requested a court injunction to stop the new sergeant’s test, which was scheduled to take place March 3 (Wednesday).

However, the city postponed the test to a date to be determined later, according to Kevin Blake, Ansonia’s corporation counsel.

Guy P. Soares, Lovermi’s attorney, was not available for comment Tuesday or Wednesday.

Chief Hale referred questions to Blake.

Blake said both sides are scheduled to appear in Superior Court in Milford March 22 at 9:30 a.m.

Other than that, I don’t want to get into the merits of the complaint,” Blake said.

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