Ansonia Police Changes Protocols To Protect Against COVID-19

ANSONIA — The Ansonia Police Department announced its officers are implementing protective measures in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19.

The protective measures include:

  • Temporarily requiring police officers to limit their response to any calls that are not in progress or are non-violent offenses. When possible, calls will be handled over the phone by officers, according to a statement from police.
  • For all non-emergency calls, the caller will be contacted to determine if an Ansonia Police officer is required to respond to the scene. If the officer is not required but a report is needed, the report will be generated over the phone.
  • Should you have reason to speak to a dispatcher or an officer, you should expect to be asked a series of questions which will assist in screening potential exposure incidents. The caller may also be asked to meet the officer outside if the caller is able to do so.

In terms of building access to the PD:

“The Ansonia Police Department lobby area access is being restricted to avoid citizens from coming into contact with surfaces that may transmit the virus. If you must come to the Police Department, please call prior to arrival. Do not enter the building. If needed, an officer will meet you on the exterior of the entrance.”

The non-emergency number to call for assistance is 203 – 735-1885.

Also from the statement:

All civilian personnel are still working at the police department and will be available for phone conversations. They can be contacted at the non-emergency number.

The Records Department will be available to electronically send reports during this time period and can be contacted at 203 – 736-2454 or 203 – 735-1885.

“We anticipate that these changes are temporary and we thank you for your anticipated patience and cooperation,” the statement reads.

The full statement, which was posted on the Ansonia Police Department’s Facebook page, is embedded below:

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