Ansonia police confirmed Thursday they are probing a complaint involving funds from the John G. Prendergast School’s Parent Teacher Organization.
The New Haven Register’s Jean Falbo-Sosnovich first reported the investigation on the Register’s website Wednesday evening. Click here to read the story.
Ansonia Police spokesman Lt. Andrew Cota said the investigation is in the early stages. In fact, it is so early police have yet to determine whether it warrants a criminal investigation.
“We are investigating a report of money that may be missing or misappropriated from the PTO at Prendergast School,” Cota said in an e‑mail. “At this time we are at the beginning stages of the investigation. We are awaiting information from the bank to determine if there is reason to conduct a criminal investigation.”
The police department received the complaint from Ansonia schools Superintendent Carol Merlone, after it was brought to her attention.
Merlone, in an e‑mail, said the district was going to send a letter out to all parents about the investigation.
“Because this issue is very sensitive, it was recommended to keep it confidential until the investigation is completed,” Merlone said.
“The police are in the process of their investigation. They are presently waiting to confirm bank statements. No determination has been made to date of the alleged misappropriation of funds,” Merlone said.