On Friday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Dec. 13, the members of the Ansonia Police Department will be conducting their annual “Stuff-A-Jeep” food drive at the Ansonia Stop and Shop on
Division Street from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
They will be collecting non-perishable foods to be donated to BHcare and Christ Church of Ansonia to help needy families during the holiday season.
The Ansonia Police Department has been running the “Stuff-A-Jeep” food drive for nearly 10 years.
Last year they collected four full Jeeps worth of food and over $800 in cash which was turned into gift cards for groceries and given to the agencies.
The Jeep is provided courtesy of Fitzpatrick’s of Ansonia.
“The Ansonia Police Department has been supporting our agency for years through their food drive,” said Arlene Greco, BHcare’s Director of Development. “We are very grateful for their continued support in providing food to our clients and helping to brighten their holidays.”
BHcare is a regional community provider of behavioral health, addiction prevention, and domestic violence services for the Lower Naugatuck Valley, Greater New Haven and Shoreline communities.
For more information, visit bhcare.org.