On Sunday, March 8 I had the very unpleasant experience of being stuck in the parking garage elevator on College Street at 12:20 p.m. I entered the elevator on the third floor, attempting to get to street level with a female companion. When the elevator jolted and jerked to a stop, it said we were on floor 5. The doors failed to open and we were stuck.
Never having had this bad experience before was certainly an unpleasant one, complicated by the fact that the emergency phone service was totally inadequate -– kept cutting out, and when it did connect with a voice it was not possible to understand the operator but repeat calls finally got through to someone who said they would send security to help.
Ten minutes of waiting for a response brought none and another attempt at calling for help was in order … again mumbled operator assistance and finally when able to understand the operator, we were advised that help was on the way.
A few more minutes later the noise and siren of a fire engine could be heard in the distance and it sounded like it was coming closer as the minutes passed (although it seemed like an eternity). Attempts were made to keep yelling for help in the hopes of hearing someone outside the closed doors and FINALLY we heard voices saying the fire department was here and they were attempting to get us out.
More minutes passed and kind voices were asking if we were OK and upon advising that we were, the doors were opened and we were 5 to 6 feet above street level (not on Floor 5 as the elevator light indicated) and below us stood several New Haven firemen to assist.
Their words of compassion and kindness put us at ease as they assessed how to get us out. They offered for us to reach down to the two gentlemen firemen standing in the ready for us to grab onto their shoulders as they lowered us to street level. They spoke gently, they were concerned for our safety and the most welcome relief to hear and see them standing in the ready.
We had been stuck in that elevator for 35 minutes. THANK YOU GENTLEMEN FIREMEN for the service you rendered to the two damsels in distress last Sunday. Your service and kindness did not go unappreciated. THANK YOU!
The writer is the City of Ansonia’s Republican registrar of voters and a former mayor.