The City of Ansonia will be accepting donations from merchants, organizations and residents in an effort to repair Nolan Field in a timely manner.
“Our focus is to get the field repaired and usable by our youth organizations as soon as possible,” said Mayor James Della Volpe. ​“Efforts are already underway with our downtown merchants to raise funds but we want to give everyone the opportunity to help.”
The field sustained approximately $15,000 in damage early Tuesday when it was vandalized by a motor vehicle which tore through the sod scarring the field with tire tracks.
Repairs are expected to begin today with an anticipated completion in about three weeks. The mayor said that the field will be ​“off limits” for about a month-and-a-half.
Chairman of the Ansonia Economic Development Commission, Vincent Scarlata, is organizing downtown business merchants to have a portion of proceeds from sales to be donated to the cause.
“On Thursday, August 16, Main Street merchants will contribute ten percent of their sales to help in the repair of the field,” Scarlata said.
A list of participating merchants will be available in the near future.
“This is a senseless act of vandalism,” Alderman David Knapp said. ​“We should all roll up our sleeves and pitch in for the good of our community.”
Knapp has volunteered to help with City Hall fundraising efforts.
“We already ask a lot of our residents, but we should all try to help out, in whatever way we can,” Knapp said.
Various businesses, organizations and individuals can contact the Mayor’s office at 203 – 736-5900; Vincent Scarlata at 203 – 257-8231 (for merchant participation) or David Knapp at 203 – 735-3571 (for individuals or organizations).
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