Ansonia Seeks Consulting Firm To Draft Economic Development Plan

The City of Ansonia, Connecticut is requesting qualifications of consulting firms to develop an Economic Development Plan for the city.

The deadline is 1 p.m. on May 11.

The purpose of this is to set forth the goals and strategies for the economic development of the City. The plan will serve as a road map for economic development efforts, telling us where we are, what efforts can be made to attract new businesses, and to what types of businesses the City should direct its marketing efforts.

Upon review of qualifications, the City will rate firms with the purpose of interviews to follow. The City anticipates contracting with the individual or firm whom in the City’s sole opinion is best qualified to perform a variety of specialized functions.

The selected consultant will be expected to provide lead planning services to assist the City in preparing the economic development plan, linking all of the required items together into a comprehensive document that can be used by the City as a roadmap for its economic development future. The City of Ansonia City Center Plan and the City Plan of Conservation and Development should act as a starting point for the project and the strategic plan will be expected to incorporate its overall goals and vision for the City.

The consultant responsibilities and deliverables listed in the document below provide more detailed information on this project.

The City intends this contract to commence on or about July 1, 2012.

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