Ansonia Students Raise Money For Men’s Health Initiative

Frank Michaud accepts a check from students at Ansonia’s Mead School for the Health Initiative for Men.

Students at Ansonia’s Mead and Prendergast schools raised $600 through mustache sales” for Griffin Hospital’s Health Initiative for Men.

The Health Initiative for Men is an effort to help inspire men to have an annual physical and to raise awareness about men’s health issues such as prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.

Students from Prendergast School in Ansonia present a check for the Health Initiative for Men.

HiM was launched in 2011 by Frank Michaud, a partner with the Ansonia accounting firm Michaud and Accavallo CPAs, LLC. He and his wife, Judy, also formed an endowment fund for Griffin Hospital at the Valley Community Foundation.

Students from both schools recently presented checks for the fundraising efforts to Michaud while donning the mustaches they sold for the fundraiser.

Learn more about the initiative here:

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