Ansonia To Revisit Background Checks For Coaches

Ansonia officials will again discuss a proposal to screen volunteers in youth sports programs for criminal convictions at a meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday (March 3).

The Board of Aldermen’s ordinance committee will meet jointly with the city’s Board of Recreation to discuss the proposal at City Hall, 253 Main St.

The agenda calls for a public session during which residents can weigh in on the proposal as well.

At an Aldermen’s meeting last month, Mayor David Cassetti pulled the plug on a proposal to screen volunteers in recreation programs for criminal convictions after several residents involved in the city’s youth football program spoke out against the move.

The next week, two residents involved in youth sports told the Aldermen’s ordinance committee that some sort of rules are needed to guide volunteers running the programs.

A ​“legal policy memorandum” written in advance of Thursday’s meeting by the city’s corporation counsel, John Marini, is embedded below.

Background Check Policy

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