Ansonia’s Della Volpe To Undergo Heart Surgery

Mayor James T. Della Volpe is in intensive care at the Hospital at St. Raphael in New Haven, undergoing preparations for heart bypass surgery Monday.

Della Volpe underwent stress tests and a heart catheterization Friday, where doctors found large blockages in his arteries, according to Board of Aldermen President Stephen Blume.

Blume will serve as acting mayor while Della Volpe undergoes and recovers from surgery. The mayor had a prior heart attack and gets regular check ups, Blume said.

This time is the only time he’s had a problem with the stress test,” Blume said. He’s very cautious. He’s a good patient. He’s in good health.”

The blockage found Friday was too large for the doctors to put stents in, Blume said.

Blume said it was unclear how long it would take Della Volpe to recover from surgery.

Blume said he’ll talk to Della Volpe after the surgery.

He’s there, and I wish he wasn’t. I just hope he comes back very soon.”

Della Volpe missed the last Board of Alderman meeting due to a cold, but Blume said that illness was unrelated to the heart problems.

The mayor’s assistant, Elizabeth Lynch, has asked all inquiries regarding the mayor be directed through city hall.

The statement from City Hall is posted at the end of this story.


Della Volpe’s friends said he has been feeling sluggish lately.

I’ve been constantly telling him to take a vacation. We have stressful jobs, so he’s got to take care of himself. I wish him well, he and his family, and I wish him a speedy recovery,” Derby Mayor Anthony Staffieri said.

Della Volpe was supposed to go to the Syracuse-UConn basketball game Feb. 10 with Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti. Both men are former coaches. Lauretti coached basketball, Della Volpe football.

Della Volpe opted out of the road trip because he wasn’t feeling well, Lauretti said.

It’s (his health) been on his mind lately and he’s been concerned about it,” Lauretti said. He’s been proactive about it, trying to stay ahead of the curve. Anybody that knows him is concerned for his health. He’ll be in my prayers this weekend,” Lauretti said.

Peter Danielczuk, a former alderman in Ansonia and friend of Della Volpe, said he and his family are also praying for Della Volpe. 

We wish him well,” Danielczuk said. I’m sure he’s going to do quite well. He’s a strong individual. He’ll be back on the job as soon as he can because he loves the city of Ansonia very much.”

Other friends were surprised by the news Friday.

When you get to our age, you go for a regular check-up and you never really know,” said long-time friend Robert J. Koskelowski, the former First Selectman in Seymour. Hopefully they caught it in time and they’ll be able to take care of him.”

The city issued the following press release Friday afternoon:

Upon the advice of his doctors, Ansonia Mayor James T. Della Volpe will undergo heart bypass surgery on Monday, February 15th, 2010 at St. Raphael’s Hospital in New Haven. The mayor is currently at the hospital undergoing preparations for the surgery.

Mayor Della Volpe has asked Aldermanic President Stephen Blume to serve as Acting Mayor in his stead in accordance with Section 86 of the City Charter.

The mayor’s assistant, Elizabeth Lynch, has asked that all inquiries regarding the mayor be directed to her at the Mayor’s Office or at 203 – 410-8918 and that no calls be made to the hospital.

Alderman Blume stated: On behalf of all of the people of the City of Ansonia, I wish Mayor Della Volpe a quick and complete recovery. His doctors are optimistic that he will be in good shape within a short period of time.

I intend to carry out his agenda and will consult with him regularly mindful of any restrictions placed by his doctors.”

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