Aquarion Water Company Continues Statewide Search For Environmental Champions

A photo from the water company’s Facebook page.

As the May 1 nomination deadline for its eighth annual Environmental Champion Awards approaches, Aquarion is reminding schools, businesses, environmental organizations and the general public that nominations are still being accepted for outstanding voluntary achievements to protect and restore Connecticut’s natural environment.

The Aquarion Environmental Champion Awards will select a winner in five categories: Adult, Student (Grades 9 – 12), Small Business, Large Business and Non-Profit Organization. 

Nominations can be made for volunteer projects that have significantly contributed to the improvement of environmental quality through the protection, conservation, restoration or stewardship of Connecticut’s water, air, soils, and plant and wildlife habitats. 

Self-nominations and re-nominations are welcome. Awards will be given to projects that demonstrate a high level of achievement and create sustainable or reproducible results.

Year after year, we have seen how passionate people can implement change to improve Connecticut’s waterways, forests and overall environment. We look forward to recognizing Connecticut’s next generation of environmental ambassadors for their outstanding work,” said Charles V. Firlotte, President and CEO of Aquarion Water Company.

Awards will include a $1,000 for the student winner and $2,500 contributions to environmental non-profit organizations selected by the other category winners. Aquarion will honor winners on June 2, 2018 at a special event to be held at Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport.

More information is available at and

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