Seymour Pink, Inc. is pleased to announce the 2013 T‑Shirt Design Contest.
All full-time students living in Seymour from kindergarten to college are eligible to submit designs to make a statement or send a message about the fight against breast cancer.
Professional graphic designers are not eligible to submit artwork. The entrant must submit hand-drawn or computer generated artwork on 8.5 × 11 paper. Each entry may use up to two colors. Please keep in mind that the winning entry will be applied to a pink T‑shirt.
Fine details in design may not transfer well to the T‑shirt. All entries must be submitted no later than March 28, 2013.
Artists’ names will be withheld until after the winning entry is selected. Entries will be judged on concept and not solely on artistic talent. The winning design will be announced on April 30th at the 6th Annual Pasta Dinner at Brookside Inn.
The winning student will receive a $300.00 scholarship/bursary.
Franscesca DelPrete was the winning designer of the 2012 T‑shirt contest. Her design, based on a triangle, the symbol of change, was an inspiration to all and captured the mission of Seymour Pink.
All proceeds of the sale go towards helping victims of breast cancer, breast cancer education and breast cancer research.
Entry forms and further information can be found at