Bear Sighting In Seymour

A black bear spotted in the Great Hill area of Seymour, according to a Facebook post Wednesday from the Seymour First Selectman’s Office.

Here’s what the post said:

There has been a black bear sighting in the Great Hill area by several residents. We are aware of the issue and are working with the appropriate people to address the situation. Please be aware and use caution, especially with your pets. I’ll post more information as I get it.”

Shelton recently had a bunch of black bear sightings in April and May, and a bear venturing too close to humans was eventually captured and relocated.

Residents should take down bird feeders, an easy and delicious food source for bears.

If you spot a bear, call police, according to police:

According to the state, there was one bear sighting in Seymour in the past year, as opposed to two in Beacon Falls — and 26 in Shelton (presumably mostly from April and May).

Reader Barbara Kowalsky Levine posted the photo below — taken about 1:45 p.m. Wednesday from her Tomlinson Road home — on the Valley Indy’s Facebook page.

Taken from inside my house on Tomlinson Road , Seymour.Took picture around 1:45 this afternoon.

Posted by Barbara Kowalsky Levine on Wednesday, 10 June 2015

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