Bear Sightings On The Rise In Shelton

As the frequency of bear sightings picks up in Shelton, the city’s conservation committee posted a map tracking the bear’s — or bears’ — progress.

Residents in Shelton have been reporting bear sightings since about April 30.

While it is not unusual to see bears in Connecticut, the number of sightings in Shelton is unprecedented for that city. Residents have been repeatedly advised to take down their bird feeders.

The bear-tracking map was posted to the Shelton Trails & Conservation Facebook page.

There are about 24 entries on the map, with a brief description of what was seen, in addition to where.

Article continues below.

Click here to check out a bigger version of the map.

On Friday, reader Lisa Czujak sent the Valley Indy a short video of a bear near her mom’s residence on Long Hill Avenue in Shelton by Constitution Boulevard. The video is below.

BEAR!Lisa Czujak sent along this video her mom took at her residence in Shelton by Constitution Boulevard. The bear was first spotted at 2 p.m. today.Her mom called police, who helped her put away bird feeders. Police shooed the bear away, but warned her that it would probably come back to eat what was left on the ground. Sure enough, it did,” Lisa said.The video was shot about 3:30 p.m. today.More bear news:Shelton Trails & Conservation on Facebook: Herald story: Black Bear Fact Sheet:

Posted by Valley Independent Sentinel on Friday, May 8, 2015

Then, on Saturday afternoon, Katherine O’Toole used the Valley Indy Facebook page to post this photo of a bear on Wakelee Terrace in Shelton heading toward the condos on Stevens Terrace.


On Sunday night, multiple” bear sightings were made, according to the Shelton Trails & Conservation Facebook page, including a mother with a cub on Isinglass Road. That is a game changer because it means it’s no longer just occasional young males wandering through, which has been happening for years. We appear to now have a breeding population in Shelton.”

The post from the Shelton group is embedded below.

Wow – multiple bears getting reported tonight, including a mother with a cub on Isinglass Road. That is a game changer…

Posted by Shelton Trails & Conservation on Sunday, May 10, 2015

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