After purchasing a morning newspaper and a “Platinum 10’s” instant game ticket, retired physical education teacher Elizabeth “Betty” Hartnett of Shelton was taken completely off guard when she scratched the ticket and revealed one of the game’s $10,000 top prizes for a matching pair of 11’s.
“I checked the ticket several times, then I had the lottery clerk check it for me. I really didn’t believe it,” said Hartnett.
Hartnett quietly arrived at CT Lottery Headquarters in Rocky Hill to claim her check for $6,833 (prize value after taxes).
“I haven’t even told my daughter yet that I won,” Hartnett told Lottery officials with a chuckle. “I wanted to be absolutely sure first.” Hartnett was thrilled with the prize amount.
“My car is so old. I was planning on buying a better used car before, but now I can put the money towards buying a new car instead,” Hartnett said.
Scooter’s Deli Mart, located at 484 Bridgeport Avenue in Shelton sold Hartnett her $10,000 top prize winning ticket and will receive a $100 bonus check from the CT Lottery for doing so.
(Information published Sept. 29 on the state’s lottery website)