Bishop Wicke Health and Rehabilitation Center opened its doors to welcome back past rehab patients and their families at their bi-annual Rehab Reunion, held Thursday, Nov. 7th.
The event provided patients and their family members with an opportunity to reunite with staff and other former patients after returning home from a short-term rehab stay at the facility.
As a result of the many friendships formed between patients, family members and staff during the rehabilitation process, the reunion serves as a way to not only celebrate these relationships, but allow them to continue to grow.
Staff were thrilled to see the progress of their patients as they returned with greater strength and increased mobility, and many smiles, hugs, and stories were shared.
The reunion was held in the newly renovated resident Dining Room and the Bishop Wicke dining team provided refreshments for the special occasion. Personal tours of the new building renovations, which were completed in October, were offered at the conclusion of the event. For more information about short-term rehab at Bishop Wicke Health and Rehabilitation Center at Wesley Village, please visit our website at