Della Volpe Recovering

While Mayor James Della Volpe continues to recuperate from quadruple bypass heart surgery, Aldermanic President Stephen Blume is settling into a routine of running business at City Hall. 

On Wednesday, Blume held the first of several weekly staff meetings with department heads to keep them up to date on how things are going, and to get feedback and questions from them. 

I gave them a run-down on Del (Della Volpe) and just reassured them the city’s doing fine,” Blume said. If they have any complaints or problems, it’s budget time and it’s a little hectic … I just want to keep everybody close.”

On Monday, Della Volpe underwent heart surgery after doctors found blocked arteries during a heart catheterization test Friday. 

He is recovering in intensive care at the Hospital at St. Raphael in New Haven for the rest of the week. He will then be moved to a rehabilitation facility, Blume said. 

While Della Volpe is in intensive care, no one other than his family can contact him. He can’t receive flowers or gifts yet, Blume said. 

He’s fine,” Blume said, relaying the feedback from Della Volpe’s wife. There’s nothing out of the ordinary. I’m sure he doesn’t want to be there. But I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

Blume’s Schedule

Blume said he is determined to be available while the mayor is recovering. He even stuck around at City Hall Wednesday afternoon for his first staff meeting, despite minor injuries he sustained when he fell down a flight of stairs that morning.

While he’ll be in City Hall during normal business hours this week (he’s on vacation from his day job as the technology coordinator for Bassick High School in Bridgeport), Blume plans to be in the office afternoons and early evenings starting next week.

He’s handling the day-to-day duties of Della Volpe, including communicating with members of the public who have issues. 

There’s something every hour, and we take care of it,” Blume said. 

He said the city hall staff is being helpful and pitching in while the mayor is away. 

It’s a good crew. It’s like a family,” Blume said. Everybody works well together and they’re willing to step up.”

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