Bowlers, Sponsors Needed To “Bowl A Strike” Against Domestic Violence

BHcare’s Center for Domestic Violence Services is looking for bowlers and sponsors to participate in its annual Bowl-2-Benefit being held Saturday, March 10, 2012, at AMF Lanes in Milford, CT

A special college day will be held on Saturday, April 1st for students from 12 pm to 2 pm. 

All proceeds benefit domestic violence programs and services throughout the Valley, Greater New Haven and the Shoreline. Services include emergency shelter, 24-hour crisis hotlines, counseling, advocacy, support and other critical services free of charge for individuals and children affected by domestic violence.

Participants raise money for the event by forming bowling teams and collecting pledges. Bowl sessions are at 9:00 am, 11:30 am, 2:00 pm, 5:00 pm or 8:00 pm. Individuals and/or businesses and organizations can also get involved by becoming an event or lane sponsor. Sponsorships start as low as $75.

Last year, the Bowl-2-Benefit raised over $90,000. Event organizers hope to exceed that amount this year and attract an even larger bowling crowd. We are always excited and touched by the enormous support during our bowl event, said Susan DeLeon, Director of CDVS. We know that through this incredible fundraiser, we are all working together to save lives and truly make a difference in the lives of survivors.”

According to the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV), more than 20 persons lose their lives to domestic violence in the state of CT annually. Last year, CDVS provided free emergency safe shelter, 24-hour crisis, counseling, advocacy, support and other crucial services to over 9,000 battered women and their children. 

Decreases in state and federal funding, coupled with increases in demand for services, make fundraising events such as the Bowl-2-Benefit critical to sustaining services for those at risk and in need.

The 24rd Annual Bowl-2-Benefit is being sponsored by the W.E. Bassett Company and by Cox Radio: WPLR 99.1‑FM and Star 99.9‑FM.

Anyone interested in receiving more information about, or participating in, the Bowl-2-Bowl, call Debbie Soulsby at (203) 736‑2601, ext. 321 or visit the BHcare website at

Deadline to register has been extended to March 5th. 

Sign your team up today!

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