Boy Scouts Recognize Scouting Volunteers

The Housatonic Council, acting through the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America presented the 2010 Silver Beaver Award to volunteers Debra Zrelak of Seymour and Richard Contois of Sandy Hook for their noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth in the Lower Naugatuck Valley. 

The awards were presented at the Council’s Annual Recognition Dinner on Sunday, February 28, at Villa Bianca in Seymour. 

The Silver Beaver Award is the highest honor a Council may bestow on a volunteer. 

(To see a slideshow of pictures from the event, click here.)

Debra Zrelak’s citation noted that she first became active in Scouting in 1993 when her oldest son became a Tiger Cub with Seymour Pack 11. 

She was a Den leader and a Webelos leader for her sons while also serving in the position of Cubmaster for Pack 11. 

Debra held the position of Cubmaster from 1994 to 2004. She then became a member of Troop 11 and took positions on the Troop Committee and Advancement Committee. 

On the Council level she is a volunteer Friends of Scouting presenter who follows up with the FOS phon-a-thons, the membership committee organizing Cub Scout sign ups in the town of Seymour twice a year, and is a member of the Council Advancement Committee. She is also helping the 2010 Jamboree Committee with publicity.

Debra has been married for over 25 years to Gary, Scoutmaster of Troop 11, and is the mother of three sons: Eagle Scouts Gordon and Kevin, and Life Scout Dustin. 

Outside of Scouting, she is an active member of the Great Hills Hose Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary and has served as secretary and treasurer for this organization for a number of years. She is also active in her church, Church of the Good Shepherd, volunteering as a CCD and confirmation teacher for eleven years. She currently serves as secretary to the Church’s Pastoral Advisory Committee.

Richard Contois’ citation noted that he joined Scouting in West Haven as a member of Cub Scout Pack 5 in 1959 and later joined Troop 16, where he achieved the rank of Life Scout. 

Contributed PhotoWhen his son Andre was old enough to join Cub Scouting in Oxford, Richard joined with him, and has served in a variety of positions ever since. He served Pack 60 as Advancement Chair and later as Pack Committee Chair for four years. 

When Andre joined Troop 1, Richard joined the Troop Committee and has served as a member since 2003. In support of older youth, Richard agreed to serve as an Associate Advisor of Crew 1 in 2006, and has held that position to the present and served as the Council’s Advancement Chair in 2008 and 2009. Richard became the Council’s Venturing Roundtable Commissioner in 2010.

As a professional surveyor, Richard planned and conducted the first-ever Council-wide Surveying Merit Badge event in April 2009 that drew a total of 101 participants. He also has served at the Surveying Merit Badge Counselor on the Winter Camp staff.

An avid cyclist, Richard served as a member of the 2005 National Jamboree Staff at Fort A. P. Hill in Virginia, where he helped run the Bikathalon, an event that challenged boy’s fitness and stamina as they cycled o stations where they shot targets for points. Richard lives in Sandy Hook with his wife Mary Ellen, their son Andre, an Eagle Scout, and daughter Georgia.

Kevin Moyher of Clinton and Mark Scinto of Shelton were presented with an Award of Merit for their distinguished leadership and service to the Council. The Award of Merit is am Boy Scout national award presented through the Housatonic Council’s Court of Honor for outstanding service to Scouting at the Council Level. 

In honor of the contributions of time, talent and treasure that the Walter Archer family has made to the Housatonic Council, The First United Methodist Church of Shelton received The Archer Family Chartered Partner Award in recognition of their advancement of Scouting’s aims and principles. 

The Church sponsors both Troop 25 and Pack 25. Besides Scouting, the Church supports AmeriCares Projects, Shelton Food Bank, Area Congregations Together, Youth Mission, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, and UMC Homes. The Church received the Archer Award for their service to God by serving others throughout the community and the world.”

Veteran Awards were presented to the following Scouters for their continuous service to the Scouting movement: Holly Miller, 10 Years; Mark Scinto, 15 Years; Joseph Kundrat and Ken Miller, 20 Years, Robert Wnek, 25 Years; Bill Prutting, 30 Years; Charles Hemstreet and William Urban, 50 Years; and Bob Hilliard, 70 Years.

Troop Committee Member Jane Bailey, of Troop 25, Shelton was awarded her Wood Badge Beads. Wood Badge is the most advanced training available for Scout Leaders who are involved in the programs of the Boy Scouts of America. 

The President’s Award, developed by the Housatonic Council, recognizes those Scouters who have given superior service to their Units and to the Council. 

Contributed PhotoAwards were presented to Carole Cafaro, Pack 3; Rose Brown, Pack 5; Scott Brossman, Pack 11; Doug Reitmeyer, Pack 14; Lynne Piscitelli, Pack 20; James Ross, Pack 24, Marie Gleen, Pack 25; Noelle Schmidt, Pack 27; Lynn Foss, Pack 28; Halli King, Troop 1; Ralph Noel, Troop 11, Andrew Bickford, Troop 19; Felicity Medinger-McWeeney, Troop 25; Tim Tarini, Troop 27; Matt Fama, Troop 28; Laurel Toal, Troop 55; Robert Maciejko, Troop 65; Kyra Duhaime, Troop 101; Heather Shimer, Crew 16; Joshua Frovarp, Crew 33; Rita Boland, Crew 65; William Schmitt, Sr., Crew 555; and Joy Donini, Crew 1762. Awards for superior Council-wide service were presented to Marc Garafalo, Dr. Gregory Egnaczyk, Chris Calkins, and Peter Tomaino.

A significant special award of recognition by the members of the Housatonic Council Executive Board was presented to Barbara Kinzig of Seymour for her exceptional service as Council registrar, bookkeeper, and network administrator since 1998. She received a special plaque and a bouquet of a dozen roses. 

Venturer Caitlin Boland, Crew 65, Oxford served as master of ceremonies and Cub Scout Matthew Cafaro, Pack 3, Derby lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Council President Richard Marano and Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti delivered welcoming remarks. Douglas Fullman, retired Associate Regional Director for Program, Northeast Region, Boy Scouts of America, of Plainsboro, New Jersey, was the special guest speaker. Dinner sponsors included Santa Energy, Strang Club Sponsor; Kevin Moyher and Ned Miller Associates, Webelos Scout Sponsors, and Al Shigo, Cub Scout Sponsor. More than 150 guests were in attendance for the evening’s festivities. 

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