Boys & Girls Club Announces September Events

The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley has a number of events going on this month, including an annual golf tournament, a new karate class, and registration for its fall basketball league.

Details for each are posted below.

For more information on the club or its events, visit the website by clicking here.

KidSafe Karate

The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley’s Raymond P. Lavietes Unit in Shelton is offering children’s self defense karate and safety awareness classes through KidSafe Karate. Registration is on Saturday, September 14, from 9 – 11 am. Classes begin on September 28 as follows: 

  • All new students and white belts with stripes from 9 – 9:40 am
  • All yellow and orange belts from 9:50 – 10:30
  • All purple and blue belts from 10:40 – 11:20
  • All green belts from 11:30 – 12:10
  • All red, brown, and black belts from 12:20 – 1:00

The fall session runs every Saturday through December 14 (no class on September 21 or November 30); there are 11 sessions in all. Classes are open to boys and girls ages 5 – 15. The program is designed to enhance self esteem, self discipline, and safety awareness. Students are placed into classes according to age and ability. A black belt instructor teaches beginning, intermediate, and advanced techniques for self defense only. Self discipline and defense, rather than aggressiveness, are emphasized throughout the course. Weekly safety flyers focus on a wide range of topics including stranger safety, fire safety, home safety, and more. The dangers of bullying and how to deal with peer pressure are also an important part of our program. 

Registration costs $10, and classes cost $8 per week. You may pay as you go, or pay in full and receive a discount of one free lesson. New students are accepted up the fourth week. Uniforms are not required but are highly recommended and may be purchased at class for $30. KidSafe staff will fit your child with the proper size uniform. 

For more information about KidSafe Karate, visit us at, or contact KidSafe directly at 800 – 850-0800.

Fall Basketball League

The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley’s Raymond P. Lavietes Unit in Shelton has opened registration for its Fall Basketball League. Cost is $60 per player, and the registration deadline is September 16, 2014 at 4:00 pm. Registration is all online at

Open to boys and girls in grades 3 – 8. Grades 3 – 4 are instructional drill clinics and include scrimmages. There are no player evaluations for Grades 3 – 4. Player evaluations for girls in grades 5 – 6 are September 17 at 6:15 pm; for girls in grades 7 – 8 are September 18 at 6:15 pm. Player evaluations for boys in grades 5 – 6 are September 17 at 7:30 pm; boys in grades 7 – 8 are September 18 at 7:30 pm.

If your child misses the player evaluations, he or she will still be placed on a team; please wait for a phone call from your child’s coach. Schedules will be created after the player evaluations. It will be known on the first night of evaluations which group is playing on designated nights. 

If any parents want to coach, we need coaches with a positive attitude! If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the coach’s volunteer form on our website, or go online to Clubhouse and complete a registration form. 

For further information about Fall Basketball, contact Gary Kuhn, Physical Director, at 203 – 924-9329,

Golf Classic

The annual John Red” Larsen Golf Classic will be held at Brownson Country Club on Tuesday, September 24, 2013. 

The tournament will begin at 11 am with registration and lunch, followed by a shotgun start at noon. Cocktails begin at 5 pm with an awards reception and dinner at 6 pm. Entry fee is $200 per person, which includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch, and dinner. Field is limited to first 32 foursomes. The tournament will be played rain or shine, but may be cancelled in extreme weather conditions. Entries with fewer than four players will be paired by the tournament committee.

Prizes will be awarded for Four Person Scramble, and the top 6 teams (gross and net) for longest drive, closest to the pin, and closest to the line. Our Hole-in-One Sponsor is Curtiss-Ryan Honda of Shelton.

Where the Money Goes: The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley has been changing the lives of young people in our area for more than 70 years. With programs ranging from homework assistance to nutrition to sports, we help all young people to reach their fullest potential, but especially those from disadvantaged circumstances. Proceeds from this golf classic will help us provide services regardless of a family’s ability to pay. Thank you for helping us help those who need us most!

About the Classic: The Boys & Girls Club Golf Classic, which has run 42 consecutive years since 1972, is dedicated to John Red” Larsen. Red participated in almost every tournament and was Chairman for more than half. It was common to see Red stuffing Tee-Favor Bags” on Sunday night or putting out sponsor signs in the morning mist. His love for children and his dedication to this Boys & Girls Club were rivaled only by his love for his family and the game of golf. 

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