Boys & Girls Club Offers KidSafe Karate Class

The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley’s Raymond P. Lavietes Unit in Shelton is offering children’s self defense karate and safety awareness classes through KidSafe Karate.

Registration is on Saturday, Sept. 20, from 9 to 11 a.m.

Classes begin on Sept. 27 as follows: 

  • All new students and white belts with stripes from 9 – 9:40 am
  • All yellow and orange belts from 9:50 – 10:30
  • All purple and blue belts from 10:40 – 11:20
  • All green belts from 11:30 – 12:10
  • All red, brown, and black belts from 12:20 – 1:00

The fall session runs every Saturday through December 20 (no class on November 29); there are 12 sessions in all.

Classes are open to boys and girls ages 5 – 15. The program is designed to enhance self esteem, self discipline, and safety awareness. Students are placed into classes according to age and ability. A black belt instructor teaches beginning, intermediate, and advanced techniques for self defense only. 

Self discipline and defense, rather than aggressiveness, are emphasized throughout the course. Weekly safety flyers focus on a wide range of topics including stranger safety, fire safety, home safety, and more. The dangers of bullying and how to deal with peer pressure are also an important part of our program.

Registration costs $10, and classes cost $9 per week. You may pay as you go, or pay in full and receive a discount of one free lesson.

New students are accepted up the fourth week. Uniforms are not required but are highly recommended and may be purchased at class for $30. KidSafe staff will fit your child with the proper size uniform.

For more information about KidSafe Karate, visit us at, or contact KidSafe directly at 800 – 850-0800.

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