The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley has space available in its after school program. Boys and girls ages 6 – 18 are eligible for membership, which runs from September through June. The Club is usually open on snow days and holidays for no additional charge. A wide variety of programs are available to our members and are included in the cost of membership unless otherwise noted.
- Cheerleading Learn clap, cheer, and performance cheer. For girls ages 6 – 13. Practices are 6:30 – 8 on Mondays beginning October 24. Games are played on Saturdays or Sundays, cheering for the Boys & Girls Club Travel Basketball Team. Cost is $50 and includes the use of a uniform and a T‑shirt to keep.
- Chess is one of the world’s most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide. Our Chess Club meets every Thursday night from 4 – 6 pm. Led by our long-time instructor, Mario Russo, our Chess Club is open to players of all skill levels. Free.
- Drama Have a budding thespian on your hands? Children ages 8 and older can join and participate in this fun, interactive program where children can learn acting, singing, dancing, and musical theatre. The Club produces a show each school year, and past productions include Annie Jr., Seussical, and Little Women. Free.
- KidSafe Karate Designed to enhance self esteem, self discipline, and safety awareness in elementary and junior high-age children (ages 5 – 15). Students are placed into classes according to age and ability. A Black Belt instructor teaches beginning, intermediate, and advanced self-defense techniques. Weekly safety flyers focus on a range of topics including stranger safety, fire safety, and more. $10 to register, $8 per class. Uniform not required but recommended; available for purchase for $30.
- Keystone Club is a youth leadership club that offers a unique developmental experience to members ages 14 – 18. Activities focus on three areas: academic success, career preparation, and community service. With the guidance of an adult advisor, Keystoners aim to have a positive impact on the Club and the community. Our Keystoners have been recognized year after year for outstanding service. Free.
- Music Learn how to play guitar, keyboard, or drums with instructor Casey Gorman. Introductory parent meeting and pizza party on October 17; classes begin on October 24 and continue through December 19. Beginner and advanced classes are available for each instrument. Classes are held on Mondays from 4 – 8 pm. Cost is $25 per instrument for all eight sessions. A limited number of instruments are available for instruction for each class.
- Torch Club is a youth leadership and community service club for boys and girls ages 11 – 13. It encourages positive community and club involvement by helping others through volunteerism. Throughout the year, our Torch Club collects and recycles ink cartridges, cans, and bottles. Each fall, our Torch Club members hold “A Dinner to Remember,” a full pasta dinner fundraiser open to the community, complete with beverages and dessert. Our Torch Club is an award winner every year, and in 2010 we were named the Number 1 Torch Club in the entire United States. Free.
Membership Information. Six and seven year olds have their own room and program director. Cost is $160 per month. Eight to 12 year olds cost $100 for the school year. Teen members ages 13 – 18 cost $50 for the school year.
Transportation is available from all Valley schools. Most Shelton grammar school students are brought by Shelton school bus. Shelton Intermediate, Shelton High, and Derby and Seymour public school members may register for club vans. Cost is $30 per month; first two months are prepaid.
TGIF for Middle School students runs from October-April and costs $10 per year, even if you are already a Club member. Come on down for sports tournaments, dance and holiday parties, computer access, games room tournaments, scavenger hunts, video games, and karaoke.
Saturday-only memberships are available for $25 per year. The Club is open from 10 am – 4 pm October-April. Saturdays are included in membership for 6 – 12 year olds.
Detailed information, including the link to our online registration, can be found on our website at