BSA Troop 3 Derby Awards Eagle Scout Badge To Joshua Moscato

Fewer than 4 percent of Boy Scouts in the United States attain Eagle Scout Rank and Housatonic Council BSA Troop 3 Scout Joshua Moscato has attained that mighty goal. 

The Derby 2nd Congregational Church, sponsor of Troop 3 since 1914, was the venue for the Court of Honor ceremony to recognize Moscato, 15, son of Leo and Kathy Moscato and brother to 1st Class Scout Elliot Moscato, all of Derby.

Derby Mayor Anita Dugatto, Shelton Mayor and Housatonic Council Executive Board Member Mark Lauretti and former Derby Mayor Anthony Staffieri participated in the ceremony by presenting proclamations and Eagle statuettes to Joshua. 

Eagle Scout Neeraj Madivala, a freshman at the University of Connecticut, was presented with the 2013 Ed & Caroline Strang Eagle Scout Scholarship, served as master of ceremonies. 

Scout James Cobaugh served as organist for the ceremony, playing the National Anthem and The Battle Hymn of the Republic. 

The court of honor was under the direction of Troop 3 Assistant Scoutmaster James Frovarp.

Joshua started scouting in Cub Scout Pack 3 Derby with Tiger Cub leader Mrs. Beverly Martin and eventually earned the Arrow of Light Award as a Webelos Scout. 

Joshua joined Troop 3 and has served as scribe of the Pink Panthers patrol, patrol leader for the Lone Wolves, placing second in the 2012 Spring Camporee, Den Chief for Pack 3 and he was proud to serve as a Troop Guide and mentor. 

He is a Brotherhood member in Order of the Arrow Paugassett Lodge 553 and has earned 38 merit badges 

In June 2012, Joshua was awarded the Derby Mayor’s Youth Award for his community service. 

In addition to many weeks at Edmund D. Strang Scout Reservation summer camp, Joshua attended the 100th Anniversary Boy Scout National Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia in 2010, and travelled with Troop 3 on a two week Pacific Coast camping trip in 2011, and sailed with Troop 3 in the Florida Keys in 2012. 

For his Eagle Scout project, Joshua, directed his fellow scout members in erecting a flag pole at the Derby Train Station and the Valley Council of Governments. 

He placed engraved pavers at the base of the flag pole which were purchased by members of the community. These stones were respectfully positioned around the flag to commemorate the memory of many loved ones. Joshua worked with the members of the Valley Council of Governments, DiGiovanni and Sons, and Walsh Fence to bring this project to fruition. 

The flag pole is illuminated at night. Old Glory can be seen from Route 8 and serves as a symbol to our veterans who have given their lives and continue to serve our country. 

Joshua is a sophomore at Notre Dame High School in West Haven and is a member of the swim team. He looks forward to attending college and majoring in electronic engineering.

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