The Annual Spooner House Frozen Turkey and Fixings Drive has begun and will feature a great location in Derby this year!
Smile Dental Center owner, Dr. Bruce Sofferman and his family — wife, Deborah and daughter, Sophia — are excited again to help this annual food drive by wearing traditional Pilgrim and Native American Thanksgiving costumes.
They will be joined by a turkey mascot as they work the streets and attempt to flag down drivers to drop off turkeys and fixings from 7 7 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21 in front of On-Time Screen Printing and Embroidery at 155 New Haven Ave. (Route 34) in Derby.
Dr. Sofferman’s Smile Dental Centers at 318 Oxford Road in Oxford and 61 Elizabeth St. in Derby will also be collecting frozen turkeys and fixings all week during regular business hours Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Nov. 18 to 22.
More people than ever in the lower Naugatuck Valley are in need of support to obtain all the ingredients necessary for satisfying holiday meals, so Spooner House is asking everyone to be as generous as possible.
“More than 6,000 individuals have been served by the Food Bank this past year, comprising over 153,000 meals, 92,000 more than just four years ago when 61,000 meals were served,” Spooner House Executive Director Susan Agamy said.
“Our supplies are always put under pressure during the holiday months as colder weather and varying temperatures impact our client base. This year we are continuing the expansion of our Operation Holiday Food Drives to encompass more organizations reaching out to assist us in meeting client needs.”
A list of specific food items needed for the frozen turkey drive is at the end of the release or visit for more details. Only the locations below with an asterisk will be collecting frozen turkeys, the others are only collecting non perishable items for the holiday food baskets.
If these dates and times are not convenient, you may also drop food items at the Spooner House, 30 Todd Road in Shelton, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 1 to 5 p.m. Contact: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 203 – 225-0453.
1 box Instant potatoes
2 Packages of Gravy
1 box/or bag Stuffing mix
4 cans vegetables any choice Corn/peas/asparagus/ yams/carrots
1 can cranberry sauce
Pie crust mix
Pie filling, choice
1 jar Pickles
2 cans Olives
1 can evaporated milk
Powdered juice mix
Canned fruit: mixed fruit, peaches, fruit cocktail, pineapple
Extras: napkins, sugar, brownie mix, corn bread mix