Candidate Applauds ‘Responsible Referendum’

Congratulations to Ansonia residents!!

On August 27th,the Board of Aldermen unanimously approved four charter revision questions that will appear on the November ballot for voter approval. 

These proposed revisions are targeted at saving the city and taxpayers money.

All of the revisions are important, though it is the Republican-backed Responsible Referendum” proposal that has attracted the most attention. Simply stated, it will give voters the right to vote on the city budget if a net tax increase of 3 percent or more is proposed.

Consider the net tax increases imposed by the unelected Board of Apportionment and taxation over the past two years: a 7% increase (2013 – 2014) and a 6% increase(2012 – 2013). 

Also recall that net taxes increased10.3% for the 2008 – 2009 budget.

The Responsible Referendum would have required those three budgets to be approved directly by voters, or else reduced substantially.

We, the people, may FINALLY have a say in how our dollars are spent!

I would like to congratulate Ansonia Republicans on both the Charter Revision Commission and Board of Aldermen for ensuring that the Responsible Referendum is up for voter approval this fall. The persistent efforts of Aldermen Charlie Stowe, Phil Tripp, Joan Radin and John Marini, along with Commission members Pat Henri and Janet Waugh, are to be commended. I myself am honored to have been a part of the Charter Revision Commission and to have supported the initiative.

Of course, the greatest credit must be given to the Ansonia residents themselves, who showed up in staggering numbers at the Charter Revision public hearings in support of the Responsible Referendum. The public’s support was critical to persuading Ansonia Democrats to support the proposal. In fact, Democrats in the Charter Revision Commission had uniformly opposed placing the Responsible Referendum on the November ballot, voting against it three times.

Even now Ansonia Democrats appear leery of giving residents the right to vote on the budget, with some Democratic aldermen openly doubting that voters will approve the measure!

I know the people of Ansonia will prove the doubters wrong. Giving residents the right to vote on city spending is a huge step towards building a more responsible city government. It is clearly the voters who will win at the ballot this fall.

Lorie Vaccaro
Member, Charter Revision Commission
Candidate for 2nd Ward Alderman

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