Candidate: Vote Row A In Derby’s Second Ward

Dear Fellow Derby Voters,

My name is Camille Grande Kurtyka and I am seeking your vote as Alderwoman to represent the Second Ward in Derby.

I am a life long Derby resident. I am a Registered Nurse and currently serve on the Board of Directors of the Naugatuck Valley Health District representing the City Of Derby.

I have vast professional, managerial, financial and problem solving skills as well as strong communication skills that would be an asset as an Alderwoman. I want to lookout for your best interest in how the City of Derby manages your money and to control unnecessary spending. I am a taxpayer as well and understand the day to day struggles everyone has.

I am asking for your support and vote on Election Day, Tuesday November 5, 2019. 

Along with incumbent Alderman Ron Sill and Joe DiMartino, we all have your best interests at heart! Vote Row A!

The writer is running for Second Ward Alderwoman on the Democratic line.

Click here for the rules on letters to the editors.

The deadline to submit election letters expired Oct. 31.

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