Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti.
ANSONIA — Mayor David Cassetti asked the Board of Aldermen Jan. 14 for extra time to put together a budget for the 2020 – 2021 fiscal year.
“We are working hard to present you with the best budget possible for the residents of Ansonia, as we have done over the last six years. This budget will represent more efficiency and will be as balanced as possible so as not to burden our residents or compromise any city services,” Cassetti said at the meeting.
Cassetti thanked the various city departments who submit budget requests and the employees who help to create a spending plan each year. He also thanked the elected officials who volunteer their time to review and approve a budget.
He characterized the budget they’re working on as “challenging,” then asked for more time to work on it.
“Am I asking that this board please allow me an extra two months to craft this budget. I anticipate my budget will be presented no later than the March BOAT meeting,” Cassetti said.
BOAT stands for Board of Apportionment and Taxation. It reviews the budget, but the Ansonia Board of Aldermen have the ultimate say.
BOAT meets at 7 p.m. in city hall on the first Monday of each month.
Last year the Cassetti administration was criticized by city Democrats for not unveiling a budget until June, and for bringing in Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller for $30,000 to help draft the budget.
Last year’s budget added .48 mills to the mill rate.
The Aldermen did not officially respond to the mayor’s request, but the majority of the local legislators ran for re-election with the mayor.